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Miniature Chihuahua for Sale, Teacup Chihuahua Puppies for Sale, Long haired Chihuahua puppies
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Teacup Chihuahua Puppies for Sale, chihuahua puppies for sale in north Carolina, chihuahua puppies for sale in NC, teacup Chiehuahua Puppies for Sale, Chihuahua Puppies for Sale NC chiwawa Baby Chihuahua for Sale miniature chihuahua for sale long haired chihuahua, chihuahua puppies for sale near m
​Long Haired Chihuahua Puppies for Sale
The Long-haired Chihuahua
The Long-haired Chihuahua is one of two recognize types of Chihuahuas, the other is the Short-haired Chihuahua or Smooth-coat Chihuahua. There are some other names applied to these toy dogs with special characteristics. These include the term Teacup Chihuahua for very small dogs, and Applehead Chihuahua for those with the AKA standards preferred head-shape, being "a well rounded apple domeskull". However all of these cute little toy dogs, are still simply Chihuahuas.
The Chihuahuas are the smallest of all types of dogs, and are the tiniest of the small dog breeds. They are classified as toy dogs. They make wonderful pets for good consist ant keeper. These are dogs with a strong-will, yet are extremely devoted to their owners. They are quick learners with a curious nature and make for an entertaining companion. Their suspicion of strangers makes them excellent guard dogs as well.
There are some important things to be aware of when selecting a dog of this breed. They have large and prominent eyes, so they are prone to eye problems. These little toy dogs are also susceptible to respiratory problems. To protect them and to keep them healthy, Chihuahuas need to be kept in a clean environment.